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Indicator tool

How to use the online indicator tool ?

Step 1

Select an indicator under one of the themes and subthemes.

When selecting an indicator for which related indicators exist (e.g. one motive of a list of 3), the related indicators (the other 2 motives) will automatically be included in the resulting table.

Step 2

Select x-axis and y-axis parameters to calculate the indicator by: Fields of Science, Gender, Career Stage and/or Countries.

You may select one parameter for the horizontal axis and one for the vertical axis of the resulting table, as well as refine the results with additional filters. Only those options available for the chosen indicator and country are presented in the list.

To see the indicator calculated in general for all Fields of Science, all Career Stages and both Genders, please select TOTAL in the pulldown.

Step 3

Select one or more countries.

When you have chosen "countries" for the y-axis, you can further select specific countries from the pulldown. The default is set to "all countries". Only those countries for which the indicator is available are presented in the list.

On the map the totals for the chosen countries are presented in different colours according to their value for the indicator. To see the total value for a country, you can click on the country in the map.

Step 4

The table with indicator values will be generated automatically below the map. You can switch to the table and map for another year, or to a comparison table for the three years, by clicking on one of the blue buttons above the table.

You can download the selected table and/or (if applicable) select tables with related indicators.



Step 1: Choose your indicator

TH1: HR of researchers
STH1: Stock of researchers
SD1: Number of researchers in EU HEI
SD2: Marital family status
SD3: Children family status
SD4: Age
SD5: Dual career
DT1: Early-stage researchers in doctoral programme
DT2: Researchers with PhD
STH2: Training phase
ED1.1: Post-graduate degree
ED1.2: Graduate degree
ED2: Joint doctorate
DT9.1: PhD supervision by one senior researcher
DT9.2: PhD supervision by supervisory committee
DT9.3: PhD embedded in doctoral school
DT10: Awareness of IDTP
DT11.1: IDTP1 (research excellence) applicable to PhD training
DT11.2: IDTP2 (attractive institutional environment) applicable to PhD training
DT11.3: IDTP3 (interdisciplinary research options) applicable to PhD training
DT11.4: IDTP4 (exposure to industry and other relevant employment sectors) applicable to PhD training
DT11.5: IDTP5 (international networking) applicable to PhD training
DT11.6: IDTP6 (transferable skills training) applicable to PhD training
DT11.7: IDTP7 (quality assurance) applicable to PhD training
DT12.1: IDTP1 (research excellence) considered important for PhD training
DT12.2: IDTP2 (attractive institutional environment) considered important for PhD training
DT12.3: IDTP3 (interdisciplinary research options) considered important for PhD training
DT12.4: IDTP4 (exposure to industry and other relevant employment sectors) considered important for PhD training
DT12.5: IDTP5 (international networking) considered important for PhD training
DT12.6: IDTP6 (transferable skills training) considered important for PhD training
DT12.7: IDTP7 (quality assurance) considered important for PhD training
TH2: Employment situation of researchers
STH4: Characteristics, position, status, contract
CE2: Dual position in current employment
CE2.1: Current dual position in private industry
CE2.2: Current dual position in private not-for-profit
CE2.3: Current dual position in public or governement
CE2.5: Current dual position in more than one HEI
CE3: Duration current employment
WC1.1: Fixed term contract
WC1.2: Permanent contract
WC1.3: Self-employment contract
WC1.4: No contract
WC2.1: Full-time employment
WC2.2: Part-time employment
WC3.1: Employee status
WC3.2: Civil servant status
WC3.3: Student status
WC3.4: Self-employed status
WC4: Teaching load
STH5: Satisfaction in current academic position
WC5.1: Satisfaction with science-related factors: academic aspects
WC5.2: Satisfaction with non-science related factors (I): employment aspects
WC5.3: Satisfaction with non-science related factors (II): personal aspects
WC5.4: Satisfaction with career-related aspects
WC6: Satisfaction in current academic position with remuneration
WC7: Comparision remuneration with other sectors
TH3: Mobility of researchers - Stock
STH6: Geographical mobility - current
GMC1: Current international mobility based on citizenship
GMC1.1: Current international mobility based on citizenship - with a fixed term contract
GMC1.2: Current international mobility based on citizenship - with a permanent contract
GMC1.3: Current international mobility based on citizenship - with a self-employment contract
GMC1.4: Current international mobility based on citizenship - with no contract
STH7: Geographical mobility - long term
GMD1: PhD degree mobility of all researchers - based on citizenship
GMD2: PhD degree mobility of recent PhD researchers - based on direct question
GMD3: >3 month Phd mobility of recent PhD researchers
GML1: >3 month post-PhD mobility - last ten years - based on direct question
GML2: >3 month post-PhD mobility - more than ten years ago - based on direct question
GML3.1: >3 month post-PhD mobility among the <3 month mobile
GML3.2: >3 month post-PhD mobility among the previously <3 month mobile
GML3.3: >3 month post-PhD mobility among the <3 month non-mobile
GML4: Post-PhD employer mobility
GML5: >3 month post-PhD mobility frequency
GML6.1: >3 month post-PhD mobility with fixed term contract
GML6.2: >3 month post-PhD mobility with permanent contract
GML6.3: >3 month post-PhD mobility with self-employment contract
GML7.1: >3 month post-PhD mobility to university
GML7.2: >3 month post-PhD mobility to company
GML7.3: >3 month post-PhD mobility to public or government sector
GML7.4: >3 month post-PhD mobility to private, not-for-profit sector
GML7.5: >3 month post-PhD mobility to self-employment
GML8.1: >3 month post-PhD mobility in R2
GML8.2: >3 month post-PhD mobility in R3
GML8.3: >3 month post-PhD mobility in R4
STH8: Geographical mobility - short term
GMS1: <3 month post-PhD mobility - last ten years - based on direct question
GMS2: <3 month post-PhD mobility - more than ten years ago - based on direct question
GMS3.1: <3 month post-PhD mobility for conferences
GMS3.2: <3 month post-PhD mobility for visits
GMS3.3: <3 month post-PhD mobility for meetings
STH9: Geographical non-mobility
GNM1: PhD non-mobility
GNM2: Post-PhD non-mobility
TH4: Mobility of researchers - Motives, Barriers, Effects
STH10: Geographical mobility - motives
GMM1.1: Non-science-related motives for PhD degree mobility
GMM1.2: Science-related motives for PhD degree mobility
GMM1.3: Motives for PhD degree mobility related to career progression
GMM2.1: Non-science-related motives for >3 month mobility during PhD
GMM2.2: Science-related motives for >3 month mobility during PhD
GMM2.3: Motives for >3 month mobility during PhD related to career progression
GMM3.1: Non-science-related motives for >3 month post-PhD mobility
GMM3.2: Science-related motives for >3 month post-PhD mobility
GMM3.3: Motives for >3 month post-PhD mobility related to career progression
GMM4.1: Non-science-related motives for post-PhD employer mobility
GMM4.2: Science-related motives for post-PhD employer mobility
GMM4.3: Motives for post-PhD employer mobility related to career progression
GMM5.1: Post-PhD escape mobility
GMM5.2: Post-PhD expected mobility
GMM5.3: Post-PhD exchange mobility
STH11: Geographical mobility - barriers
GMB1.1: Professional factors as barriers for PhD mobility to the non-mobile
GMB1.2: Administrative factors as barriers for PhD mobility to the non-mobile
GMB1.3: Practical factors as barriers for PhD mobility to the non-mobile
GMB1.4: Personal factors as barriers for PhD mobility to the non-mobile
GMB2.1: Professional factors as barriers for >3 month post-PhD mobility to the mobile
GMB2.2: Administrative factors as barriers for >3 month post-PhD mobility to the mobile
GMB2.3: Practical factors as barriers for >3 month post-PhD mobility to the mobile
GMB2.4: Personal factors as barriers for >3 month post-PhD mobility to the mobile
GMB3.1: Professional factors as barriers for >3 month post-PhD mobility to the non-mobile
GMB3.2: Administrative factors as barriers for >3 month post-PhD mobility to the non-mobile
GMB3.3: Practical factors as barriers for >3 month post-PhD mobility to the non-mobile
GMB3.4: Personal factors as barriers for >3 month post-PhD mobility to the non-mobile
STH12: Geographical mobility - effects
GME1.1: Effect of >3 month post-PhD mobility on output
GME1.2: Effect of >3 month post-PhD mobility on network
GME1.3: Effect of >3 month post-PhD mobility on career-related aspects
GME1.4: Effect of >3 month post-PhD mobility on personal aspects
GME1.5: Effect of >3 month post-PhD mobility on financial aspects
TH5: Mobility of researchers - Non-geographic mobility
STH13: Virtual mobility/Collaboration
CO1.1: Collaboration with academia in own country
CO1.2: Collaboration with academia in other EU country
CO1.3: Collaboration with academia in non-EU country
CO1.4: Collaboration outside academia in own country
CO1.5: Collaboration outside academia in other EU country
CO1.6: Collaboration outside academia in non-EU country
CO1.7: Collaboration with another field or discipline within the own institute
CO1.8: Collaboration with another field or discipline in other academic insitutes
CO1.9: Collaboration with another field or discipline outside academia
CO1.10: Collaboration with non-researchers
CO2.1: Collaboration with academia as a result of mobility
CO2.2: Collaboration outside academia as a result of mobility
CO2.3: Interdisciplinary collaboration as a result of mobility
VM1.1: Virtual mobility reducing <3 month visits only
VM1.2: Virtual mobility reducing >3 month visits only
VM1.3: Virtual mobility reducing both <3 month and >3 month visits
VM1.4: Virtual mobility reducing neither <3 month nor >3 month visits
VM2: Virtual mobility encouraging/supporting interdisciplinary collaboration
STH14: Intersectoral Mobility
ISM1: PhD intersectoral mobility
ISM1.1: PhD intersectoral mobility to public or goverment sector
ISM1.2: PhD intersectoral mobility private not-for profit sector
ISM1.3: PhD intersectoral mobility private industry
ISM2: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility
ISM2.1: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility to public or goverment sector
ISM2.2: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility private not-for profit sector
ISM2.3: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility private industry
STH15: Intersectoral mobility - characteristics, position, status, contract
ISM4.1: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility with latest experience in private industry - permanent contract
ISM4.2: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility with latest experience in private industry - fixed term contract
ISM4.3: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility with latest experience in private industry - self-employment contract
ISM4.4: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility with latest experience in private industry - stipend/grant/fellowship contract
ISM6.1: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility with latest experience started in R2
ISM6.2: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility with latest experience started in R3
ISM6.3: Post-PhD intersectoral mobility with latest experience started in R4
STH16: Intersectoral mobility - motives
ISM7.1: Non-science-related motives for intersectoral mobility
ISM7.2: Science-related motives for intersectoral mobility
ISM7.3: Motives for intersectoral mobility related to career progression
STH17: Interdisciplinary mobility and collaboration
IDM3: Interdisciplinary move during research career
TH6: Institutional factors
STH18: HEI policy on recruitment
REC1: Open recruitment
REC2: Transparent recruitment
REC3: Merit-based recruitment
REC4.1: Recognition in recruitment of alternative forms of research output
REC4.2: Recognition in recruitment of intersectoral mobility to private sector
REC4.3: Recognition in recruitment of interdisciplinary mobility
REC4.4: Recognition in recruitment of international mobility
REC4.5: Recognition in recruitment of transferable skills
STH19: HEI policy on career progression
CP1: Transparent career paths
CP2: Merit-based career progression
CP3: Common practice of tenured contract based on merit
CP4.1: Recognition in career progression of alternative forms of research output
CP4.2: Recognition in career progression of intersectoral mobility to private sector
CP4.3: Recognition in career progression of interdisciplinary mobility
CP4.4: Recognition in career progression of international mobility
CP4.5: Recognition in career progression of transferable skills
TH7: Open Science
STH20: Open Science
OS1: Publications in open access journals
OS2: Training in open science approaches